Magnus-AKC Standard Poodle

EmE, bb, KBKY, atat, spsp, mm 65 lbs, 27”

Magnus is one of our dearly loved foundation dogs! He has been helping us create some amazing family companions, therapy prospects, and Service Dogs during his time with us. Those who own a Magnus puppy, know they have something very special.

As a companion, Magnus is tender, emotionally intuitive, laid-back, up for anything, a great running buddy, and just an all around good boy! Everyone who meets him raves about his good looks and amazing disposition.

As a stud, Magnus has been health tested and cleared through Embark and OFA. He is a quick working, respectful stud who knows his job, but won’t be pushy about it. He is available to health tested females who have a current negative Brucellosis test.